Some structures are used in everyday village life. Even though they are are small in size they play a huge role in the pattern of village society.
Groundnut Container:
This a very common food in Zambia, it is the same as peanuts. The structure is raised off the ground about .5 meter to protect it from moisture. It is similar in concept and construction as a grainy but at a smaller scale.
Tobacco, a main crop in parts of Zambia, must be dried to take to market. These unique structures are found mainly in the east and the south. Usually constructed of mud in formwork. A fire burns inside and Tabasco is dried, with smoke escaping.
Pigeons are another source of food. The structure is raised to a height of at least 1.7 meters to protect from animals. The walls are bamboo woven, and is usually not plastered over.
Pit latrines are open toilets (no plumbing). The walls are constructed of either bricks or pole and mud. Floor is constructed of poles or timbers crossing over opening and covered and packed with earth. The pit, on average, is 4m deep and could last up to 2 years, depending on use. The pit is usually treated with lime.













Tobacco Drying:






















Pigeon Coops:


