Any attempt to improve the beauty of the homestead could be considered decoration. This is by no means done on every house, but little things are done here and there that are unique. Some villages or homesteads are decorated in similar ways. People will imitate what they see.
Could be put together in numerous ways. Through openings, protrusions, and/or patterns, bricks can be a feature and not just a wall.

Can be constructed as thick as desired. The thatch could be built up to form a pattern. This "cake effect" is caused by the layering of thick thatch. Decorative features can be achieved with the roofs ridge.


Poles can be notched out to create a pattern. Carved patterns or scenes such as animals, or village life are carved into flat wood surfaces- especially doors.
Most homes are plastered and depending on the specific color of the area- a distinct color will emerge. On top of that, many homes are painted with features such as nature, animals, or village life.
Plants can be grown to enhance the beauty of the homestead. This mans home in Kawamba village has morning glories growing on his roof.
brick laying creates a decorative pattern
bricks create window openings, in this case a typical Luapula triangle
bricks sticking out create a pattern
cake effect thatching
the ridge is treated special
notched poles
notched poles
Carving hung on walls
cake effect thatching on church