Missionaries first introduced the technology of using burnt bricks made from mud.
Structures were constructed of bamboo and mud or pole and mud existed before burnt brick.

Comprised of:

Dried: By one of two methods

The wet bricks are left in the sun to dry. They are left out to the elements. The outside becomes hardened first, and if hot enough. The entire brick becomes hard. Often, it is not hot enough and the brick is not as strong.

The wet bricks are stacked in an order which creates pockets of space underneath and around.

Characteristics of:

Broken Bricks
These are not suitable for walls but are still utilized.
Infill for floors and verandahs
The corners of the structure are constructed first. This is to insure that the structure is constructed with plum walls. The corners go up a few courses and then the middle of the wall is laid out. The middle can have half bricks or extra plaster. Whatever it takes to achieve a full wall.
right angle
plumb walls
A fire is started and the opening is closed up with more bricks.
A watercolor example of brick pattern and color.
This structure has walls up and poles ready to take the roof structure.
Bricks rising up as a base. The floor will be filled in later.
Typical brick wall

























The wood burns slowly (sometimes for weeks) which the firing makes for a stronger brick.